Grameen Danone: a model social business

The Grameen Danone partnership is, in my view, a model social business.

The partnership was set-up by the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, most famous for its micro-finance and Nobel Peace prize winner Muhammad Yunus, together with the French organisation Danone.

They provide nutritious food for babies in Bangladesh, with the social business providing jobs and cheap food for those in need, with the profits remaining in the organisation to continue meeting their social objectives.

Its initial product was yogurt that provides an important source of nutrition for infants and small children in Bangladesh. Those who supply the milk to the factories are local farmers. Those who manufacture and sell the yogurts are also from the local communities. And so are those that buy the yogurts, which are sold at affordable prices.

The yogurt containers are also digestible, meaning there is no waste once the yogurt is eaten, and ensuring no adverse impact to the environment. Having everyone in the supply chain from the communities that are being targeted by the social cause, allows the product to be sold at a price that is affordable, as well as ensuring that the right people are benefiting from the sales and profits.


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